Executive Coaching Case Studies

Executive coaching can be intimidating when you first start charging for it and holding yourself out as something other than a compliance expert. But it needn’t be. In these ten case studies I walk through the conversations that I had with real life clients, and talk about the number one skill you need to develop to be good at executive coaching.

  1. Should I take the money from what will become my largest customer?

  2. Should I take the PPP loan funds?

  3. Should I let this employee go after repeated outbursts?

  4. How should we respond when customers ask when I’m going to retire?

  5. Our bank is essentially pulling the plug on our business. What do we do?

  6. I’m not sure I have the right sales manager (CFO, GM, etc).

  7. Should I hire a consultant to help drive sales?

  8. How do I work with my wife/husband in the business?

  9. Should I switch bankers (lawyers, accountants, engineers, suppliers, etc)?

  10. I think I want to sell my business.

I also provide some specifics about scheduling and answer some really good questions at the end.

You can download the slide deck here.